Tuneria With OST

Almost any modern computer laptop will run TunerStudio to it's full potential. If you have a very old laptop for tuning with say a Pentium II or older, the following may help:

Welcome to TuneOTronics, A Mobile ECU remapping service. At TOT we offer an unbeatable Engine Tuning service to ensure your car is running efficiently, at optimum performance, all the time. An online guitar tuner. Tune your guitar against over 50 alternate tunings. Choose an acoustic guitar tone or sine wave tone. Automatically advances to next string.

Typically a 1 GHz processor is more than enough to run TunerStudio well, TunerStudio was designed to insure it could run on old slow tuning laptops. There are people running on 366MHz Laptops :). The biggest variable beyond processor is the Video chipset and driver. So if you are using an older laptop, you may want to adjust some of the more resource intensive options as they can have a significant impact on performance.
If using a very old laptop, Here are a list of changes that have significant performance impacts:

  • Dashboard Anti Aliasing - Right Click on the dashboard and there is an option for Antialiasing. This being on has little to no impact with good video drivers, however on older machines, antialiasing being on can double CPU usage.
  • Dashboard selection - The default dash with the 8 gauges has no gauges overlapping, the cooler ones do overlap gauges. When gauges have no overlapping I can perform some additional optimizations that have a significant savings. So try the default dash.
  • Data Rate - Under the communications Menu, there is a dialog for Data Rate, the higher the data rate the more paining that will be triggered and more calculations that are required. Keeping that at 15 or even 10 Records Per Second is probably a good idea on slower machines.
  • Modal Dialogs - Under the Menu 'Options-->Performance-->Modal Dialogs' , this options will stop painting the dashboard while any dialogs are open so your CPU can focus on the dialog at hand. Any data logging continues.
  • The Run In Lite Mode options eliminates the tabs, but sets several of these other options at once.

Operating Systems

  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 8
  • Apple OSX - Leopard and above
  • Linux - most flavors. Packaged for x86 processors, primarily tested on Ubuntu
Tuneria With OSTTuneria With OST

Use on other platforms can be accomplished as long as the OS meets the JRE requirements and you can provide the appropriate RXTX driver. For adapting to other platforms it is easiest to download the Linux tar.gz file as that will run on all platforms as is and simply needs the appropriate RXTX driver placed in the lib folder.

Turnera With Ostrich

Java Runtime Environement

JRE 1.6 or 1.7is required, .

Recommended System Specifications

Turnera With Osteoarthritis

  • 1.5 GHz Processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Proper Video Drivers for your video chipset
  • DB9 serial port or USB with FTDI based USB to serial cable.